Communication strategy and dissemination plan

This document describes the Dissemination and Communication plan for GEOTHERM FORA project.

The overall aim of this document is to define communication and dissemination objectives, target audiences, dissemination tools and activities, dissemination management and monitoring. It ensures consistency of the outreach activities in order to maximise impact during and after the project’s funding period. This dissemination strategy also indicates KPIs for several dissemination activities that can be compared to the monitored indicators.

While this document is focussed on the GEOTHERM FORA project, the project itself aims at bringing a continuous support to the activities of the Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group (DG-IWG) and the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Deep Geothermal (ETIP-DG), with the overarching objective to optimize the joint work of the two fora. Therefore, part of the dissemination strategy is also taking up the existing strategies for the two fora. Consequently, also a part of the dissemination tools and activities are outlined for either ETIP-DG or DG-IWG.

The full document is available here.