To fully represent the geothermal technologies for Research & Innovation and reflect the technology trends and the market development, ETIP DG and the Geothermal Panel of ETIP RHC become ETIP Geothermal, as of 2023.
Synergies between both previous ETIPs will be presented and discussed during the first meeting of the ETIP Geothermal, which will take place on 2nd March 2023, at GeoTHERM Expo & Congress, in Offenburg Germany.
Registration for the event is mandatory.
10:00 Welcome by Fausto Batini & Javier Urchueguia
Session 1 Launch of the ETIP geothermal
Session 2 Presentation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on geothermal technologies
Session 3 R&I funding
12:00 End of meeting