The vibrant city of Pisa, Italy, hosted the ETIP Geothermal Annual Conference 2023 from November 21 to 22, where members gathered for two days of enriching discussions and valuable insights. Attendees seized the opportunity to connect with industry peers, share ideas, and participate in engaging social activities. 

The conference featured a robust agenda full of insightful presentations and funding discussions, making it a pivotal event in the geothermal energy sector. Throughout the two days, participants delved into groundbreaking research and innovation results across various sessions. 

Discover the presentations available below!  

Day 1 – Tuesday, 21 of November 2023 

Discover ETIP Geothermal and its activities 

Towards a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Geothermal Technologies 

Working Group activities 2022-2023 

A Vision for Geothermal in 2040-2050  

Funding opportunities for R&I in geothermal 

Review of R&I project results 

A segment of the conference was dedicated to the presentation of eight project results from the Call for Presentation. This session provided a platform for sharing the outcomes of cutting-edge projects, contributing to the collective knowledge of the geothermal community. 

Day 2 – Wednesday, 22 of November 2023 

Roundtable discussion on Research and Innovation to accelerate the geothermal market deployment 

Specifically, the conference highlighted advancements in geothermal projects’ to de-risk through innovations such as closed-loop and single wells technologies. Another focal point was the innovation in high-temperature heat pumps, showcasing the latest developments in this critical aspect of geothermal energy systems. 

Session Updates on innovation: Closed loop systems 

Session Updates on innovation: High-temperature Heat Pumps  

Geothermal Facilities Symposium  

Overall, the ETIP Geothermal Annual Conference 2023 proved to be an essential conference for industry professionals, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and a collective vision for the future of geothermal energy.