Public consultation on the Establishment of the Innovation Fund

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the Establishment of the Innovation Fund (policy field: Climate Action). The objective of the consultation is to provide the wide public and stakeholders with an opportunity to express their views on the elements relevant for the establishment of the Innovation Fund. It also serves to gather input (data and factual information, expert views) from industry, academia and other interested stakeholders on specific elements, such as key innovation challenges, expectations and financing needs of potential beneficiaries, that need to be considered when designing the Innovation Fund Ensure that all affected and interested stakeholders are represented.

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from:

  • Stakeholders directly affected by Commission Regulation and highly interested (most likely to benefit from the funding): industries, in particular steel, iron, aluminium, copper, oil refining, chemicals & bio-based industries and pulp & paper, cement, lime, glass & ceramics, renewable energy generation and storage, and industries/power plants utilising CCS/CCU.
  • Stakeholders indirectly affected by Commission Regulation and highly interested (are not likely to benefit from the funding, but have stated an interest in the initiative): EU/National Industry associations, Environmental NGOs, National/Regional authorities and EU institutions; European Investment Bank/ EU/national financial institutions; Member States.
  • General Public.

The consultation period ends on the 10th of April 2018. More on the European Commission Portal.